This is a topic we have written loads and loads of blog posts about. Yet we are still being asked the question all the time. People aren’t sure how they should be managing Linkedin. How do you respond to a connection request on LinkedIn if you don’t know the person?

Some people use LinkedIn as a numbers game, not as a professional networking tool. They think the fact they have 3,500 connections on LinkedIn means they are awesome. However this is not really the case. Surely it would be better to have 150 connections, for example, all of which you know about, have engaged with and therefore can create the right posts to engage with them?

By accepting everyone that sends you a connection request you are also opening yourself up to a whole load of sales messages. People that use LinkedIn as a numbers game also try and use it as a sales tool. Similarly to spam emails. They feel that the more they send the more likely they are to get a sale.

When it comes to managing LinkedIn, we get a connection request on LinkedIn we respond with a message like we have posted below. We start friendly and open, ready to start a conversation. This is followed by a ‘who are you’. This is then followed by a little link to the website so they can find out more about us.

Good Morning Adam,

I hope you had a nice bank holiday weekend? I don’t know about you, but we have been so busy it feels like the Bank Holiday Monday was ages ago! 

Thanks for the kind connection request. However, without a personalised message I am unsure of the reason for the connection request or why you would like to connect with me?

I hope to hear back from you soon so we can connect and network further?

In the meantime I have included a link to a blog post that I thought you might find useful?

Hope to hear from you soon,


Please feel free to use this copy in your own business. Just add in your name and a link to your website.

We send messages like this once a week for a month. Then, at the end of the month we send a message to say we can only presume the connection request was sent in error. We then delete the request and move on.

How are you managing LinkedIn?