We have spoken about the length of blog posts, topics for blog posts, blog post ideas and more. We have written blog posts about why you should blog and the benefits of blogging too. However, in this blog post we thought we would share some quick checks before publishing your blog post that you need to do.

Here at Creative Content Company we offer blogging training so business owners can blog for themselves. We also write blog posts for our clients and then they upload them to your website. Whichever you would like to work, these quick checks before publishing your blog post are definitely something you need to be aware of.

  • Make sure your blog post has a catchy title. This is what will grab the attention of those people visiting your website or scrolling past your posts on social media.
  • While your title needs to be catchy, it also needs to be fewer than 60 characters. You need to make sure your title includes a keyword if possible, but it can’t be too long either.
  • Double check that you have filled out the meta description. This is where you should put the blog title and keyword, as well as a short description of the blog post.
  • Take the time to check you have included a focus keyword in the blog title, the description of the blog and a few times in the blog post itself as well.
  • Look through your blog post and make sure there are keyword variations. For example if you keyword was content writer in Peterborough, include copywriter in Peterborough, content writing and web content writer too.
  • You need to link blog posts together. These are called internal links and are recommended in every single blog post. They could like to another blog post or a services page. This will help boost your SEO but also improve your customer journey and user experience.

We know this might seem like a lot to remember and this is why we have a further little bit of help for you. If you have a wordpress website we would recommend SEO Yoast. This application helps you see the above pointers and lets you know if you have missed any, or how you can improve the blog post. It gives you the quick checks before publishing your blog post that you need.

We can also upload your blog posts for you if you have a wordpress website, for a small extra cost of £10 per blog post.