Writing content for the web is very different to writing content for a school essay, writing content for social media or writing content for a book and even different to writing content for a newspaper or magazine. In this blog post we have put together some top things to think about when you are writing content for the web.

Go Short

Write shorter sentences, use shorter words and create shorter paragraphs. Readers of content on the web want to be able to skim through what they are reading to see if it worth their short and limited time.

One Idea

Try and stick to just writing about one idea per paragraph, this means the reader of the web content can quickly get the information that they need from your web content easily.

Be Concise

Although Google prefers content to be 300-600 words, try and be more concise using half, or less, of the words than you would use when writing for print.

The Inverted Pyramid

When writing content for the web try and think of the inverted pyramid, putting the most important part of the content first, or even the conclusion at the very beginning and then use the rest of the article to expand on that.

Be Simple

Try and use simple words, this makes it easier for readers to skim and quickly understand the content and how they can use the knowledge they have learned. You content is not there to baffle the reader.

Be Objective

Instead of using exaggerated claims or promotional words like ‘Great’, ‘Superb’, ‘Epic’ or ‘Amazing’ use objective language which will help you to build up credibility and trust through your web content.

Bulleted Lists

Bulleted lists work really well, or headers like we have used in this blog post, again this helps readers to be able to skim through your web content and find exactly what they need quickly and easily.

Highlight It

Similarly to as we have done in this blog, highlight text to catch the readers eye either by making it bold or changing the colour to help the content to be scanned easily by the reader.

Be Meaningful

Cut out the cute or clever headlines and titles, instead opt for meaningful headlines that make the reader want to learn more and find out more about the topic.