We are thrilled to be able to announce that if you are small or medium enterprise you may now be able to get our online marketing services for less. This news has come further to meeting an awesome bunch of people at the Peterborough Biscuit Business Event. They have government grants available to pay up to 50% of the cost of our services.

The group you need to speak to if you want our online marketing services for less is Growth Works. The organisation supports the region’s high growth potential small and medium enterprises, also known as SMEs. Growth Works supports then in scaling and creating new jobs for the economy in the local area.

Businesses in Peterborough are currently experiencing challenging market conditions. This has meant that many businesses feel unable to invest in sustaining or accelerating their business. However, help is at hand. Through the team at Growth Works, you can apply for a government grant that will cover up to 50% towards your investment in sustaining or accelerating your business.

It is important that you act quickly – the funding closes in May so you need to sign up quickly. Growth Works have a 90-minute webinar where you can learn how to write a winning grant application. This is free to attend and will help you gain the funding you need to cover half the costs of our online marketing services.

There are two types of revenue grant programmes currently available. The first is revenue only and applicants can apply for project funding where the total is less than £40,000. Half of this will be considered by the Growth Works Grant. The second is revenue and capex blended and is available for a blended grant of around 70% revenue and 30% capex.

If you would like our marketing services for less, speak to the team at Growth Works. We have been speaking to Gary and Liz who have been really helpful. They are keen to support our clients save money on our marketing services.

Growth Works – Strategic business growth support and investment – Their website

Get Started – Growth Works – Their get started page (where clients sign up to Growth Works)

Grant funding for growing businesses – Growth Works – Their grant funding page.

We can create a marketing project for your business with a total cost of the project. This is what can then be included in your government grant application. The grant can pay half and you can pay the other half.