If you are looking to get more enquiries from your website, then this is the blog post for you. Below we share just some of the top ways that you can boost your enquiries which will lead to more sales for your business. Some of the ideas are simpler than others and you’ll be able to do them quickly. Others, you might need a little help from the experts. If that’s the case let us know and we can connect you with the expect that you need.

So, here is how you can get more enquiries from your website.

  • Page Speed

It is really important that your pages load quickly. In this day and age, people are not going to wait around longer than a few seconds. If your website or page doesn’t load quickly, the visitor will go elsewhere. In addition to this, you will be penalised by Google if your website has a slow page speed.

  • Chat Software

Chat software can really help boost the enquiries from your website. However, some people just don’t like the annoying pop up on the website. Think about your target audience and what they want from your business. Hubspot offer a free chat software so you could trial it for a bit and see how you get on?

  • Contact Us

You want to make it as easy as possible for people to contact your business. Adding a contact form or contact details to every page of your website will make it easier for people to contact you quickly and effectively. This could be as simple as your email address or telephone number. You could even have a contact form with drop down options for the reason of contact. This will make things even easier for your customer.

  • One Page Per Service

If you have a lot of different services or products, each one should have a different page on your website. You could have a services page, like we do. This lists all the services we offer and brief description of them. However, in addition to this each service or product should have it’s own page. This helps visitors find out more about the exact product or service that they are looking for. Every core service or product having its own page will help you earn some brownie points from Google too.

  • Blog Posts

Blog posts are a really effective way of keeping your website up to date. This helps to show Google and your target audience that you still exist and are active. In addition to this, you can share snippets and links to these blog posts on social media. This will help generate more traffic to your website which can help you gain more enquiries.

Want to know more? Contact our online marketers in Peterborough now.