One blog is unlikely to rank well on its own. This is because the ‘Google Bots’ don’t see it as one good blog post. They want to see the backing behind it. You need to have other pages on your website that talk about that topic or keyword. The topics in this blog post need to be covered in other blog posts too. To get your blog post seen you need to keep pumping out new and high quality blogs. This will boost the overall ranking of your website. It will help make your blog post look more ‘valuable’ to readers too. This means Google will direct more traffic to this ‘valuable’ blog post on your website.

Google will look at your whole website. It won’t look at just one page of your website, or a single blog post. Having a handful, or even five handfuls of blog posts on your website won’t get your business or website ranking for high volume keywords. Instead, to get your website and blog seen by potential customers for your business, you need to keep pumping out new and high quality blogs.

We recommend that you keep publishing new and high quality blogs at a consistent rate. Try to cover different aspects of your niche and business industry too. This will achieve lots more for your business, as opposed to all the blogs on one main topic. It will give your readers variety. It will also help your business be found for more keywords.

By writing about different things within your industry you will also show Google that you can be trusted as an authority in the industry. Multiple blogs covering different topics will also give you more opportunities for backlinks. It will give you more opportunities for internal links between different pages on your website too. In turn, this will help to boost your SEO and get your website ranking higher on search engines.

Over time, it is likely that your older blog posts increase in their rankings, without you having to do anything to them. This is because the overall SEO of the website has improved. In turn, that’s taken some of your blog posts with it too.