Is social media important to your business? A social media marketing industry report by Michael A Stelzner looked at social media and how businesses felt about it. The research was completed by asking business owners if social media was important to their business.

Participants were allowed to answer strongly agree, agree, uncertain, disagree and strongly disagree to the statement ‘social media is important to my business.’

This is what the research found:

  • 60% of business owners strongly agree that it is important to their business.
  • 30% of business owners agree that it is important to their business.
  • 7% of business owners felt unsure if it was important to their business or not.
  • 1% of business owners disagreed that it was important to their business.
  • Finally, 2% of businesses strongly disagreed that it was important to their business.

How do you fit into this? Do you feel that posting on social platforms works for your business? Is it important to your business?

Social media is extremely important to our business for two reasons. Firstly, it’s about 50% of what we sell. Without social media platforms, we would lose half of our service offerings and clients. Secondly, social media is one of the most effective marketing tools for Creative Content Company.

As a business we post on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. We also create videos for YouTube that are shared onto the social media pages, as well as the website.

Social media is very important to the team her at Creative Content Company. This is because it works. If it didn’t work at boosting brand awareness, we wouldn’t use it ourselves. We definitely wouldn’t sell it as a service. We only sell services we truly believe in.

If a client wants to be on a certain social media platform we will explain if we think it’s not the best place for them. However, if they really want to be on it, we will – but we will warn them it might not work.

But this research got us thinking. If social media isn’t important to your business, is that because you’re not doing it right?