On the 11th July I will be attending Thomas Deacon Academy to build a business. Well, I will not be building the business, but the students will; I will just have the business idea pitched to me. I will get the chance to chat with the students and look at their ideas and processes. I can then offer advice and encouragement as they build the business.
It is the Build a Business session as run by Skills Service Peterborough and they ask local people in business to go along and help at these events. I have worked with them before on mock interviews, meet the professional events, careers days and the duck production sessions, but this will be my first time working on the Build a Business session.
The idea behind the session is that students will be split into teams and they will come up with a business idea. This will include budgets and marketing, at the end of the session they will present this to a panel (me and some other people in business), where we can decide which business idea is the most viable and creative business.
This is a really great chance for students to understand how a business works, the costs of running a business, such as production costs, staff and office costs for example. It also gives students an awareness of the different marketing streams available to them such as TV adverts, social media and press releases. Target audiences are another thing that the students will need to look at for their business and this is something they may not have had to consider before.
I am really looking forward to attending this event at Thomas Deacon Academy on Wednesday 11th July with Skills Service Peterborough. If you would like to get involved in this project or similar projects please contact Rebecca Cook or contact us and we can connect you.
I will let you know how the event went!