Social media is all about being social; the clue is in the name really! However, this is sometimes easier said than done and it can be hard to get your target audience and social media following to engage with you, your business and your brand.

We have put together a series of four blogs that talk about the four most popular social media calls to action, what they are, when you should use them and how you should use them.

In this blog post we talk about a social media call to action that will help you engage with your audience on another level – the ‘tell us what you think’ social media call to action.

Have you seen this used by other businesses and brands?

Social Media Call to Action – Tell Us What You Think

The ‘tell us what you think’ social media call to action can be used to take the pulse of your audience and understand them better. It shows your audience that their opinions are valuable and important to you. It engages your audience in thought-provoking conversation and gathers user-generated content for you.

As well as stating ‘tell us what you think’ as your social media call to action, there are other things that you can say and do to get your audience to engage and tell you what they think.

For example, you can ask them to “tweet your thoughts with the following hashtag”, say “tell us what you think in the comments below”, ask them to “share your own stories on the matter”, say “we want to know what / why…” or even say something like “Tell us … and we will RT the best”

How do you think you could use this call to action on your business social media – and which version do you prefer or do you have a better one?