If your business sells a service that you can take photos of, for example a trades business, or your business sells products then a gallery may be an additional page you would like to have on your website, but why leave it as just pictures? In this blog post we will tell you how you can make your gallery better;
Having a page full of photos looks brilliant, especially if you’re a garden landscaper and it’s full of lovely gardens or you’re a photographer and you have photos from across the world or maybe you have photos of all the homes you have built or decorated – but what are the photos?
Let’s start with the basics; you have created a website so people can see it. If Google like your website then more people will see it. So, you need to make Google like your website and website content is a great way of doing this and on your gallery page this is really easy. Under each photo you can put a brief description that will include your keywords.
For example, if you were looking to be found for hotel extensions in London then you could say; “This is a hotel extension in London that we recently completed” and then go into detail about how large the project was, what you had to do and such like. This description could be from 1 line to 5-6 lines, but just make sure it includes a keyword or two.
One option is to have the content come up as you hover over the image, but if this content comes up as an image then Google won’t see it as an image and then your keywords will not be picked up.
As regular readers of our blog posts will know, we often talk about ensuring every page has at least 300 words and this is a really easy page to tot up those words and an even better place to share what you do and your keywords.
As always, if you need a hand with any of your website content then just give us a shout, we can offer advice for you to do it yourself, or you can save your time and we will do your website content for you.