Research shows that we all feel good when we do something good for others. Would you like to do something good for someone else? A very little something that I can assure you will make the world of difference for a wonderful elderly lady on her very special day. It would be like doing a random act of kindness.

Let me start by telling you a story.

Nanny Vi is my partners Nan. She turns 90 years old on Sunday 22nd November.

We had big plans of a huge party to celebrate her special day. Then came out the rules of six people. The whole family chose a day each and we planned to have a week of mini parties so we could still celebrate her 90th birthday. Then the 2nd lockdown came along, and all plans were scrapped.

On the Wednesday before lockdown we whizzed down to see her in Kent and took her out for a special birthday meal. It was a complete surprise and by pure fluke, we managed to get the private hire of a café. They set up twinkling lights, a lovely meal, bought out her birthday cake and the whole team sang to her.

Nanny Vi told us all how she always said she would dance on her 90th birthday. The staff went and put her favourite music on, and my partner Dan danced with her. All the staff danced with each other too. It was a memory none of us will ever forget. She has continued to tell everyone since that she got to dance on her 90th birthday.

As Nanny Vi blew out her birthday candles, she made a wish. Her wish was as follows;

“I wish for everyone to be as happy as I am now”

I would like to ask you if you could do a random act of kindness for someone that wishes that you were as happy as her. Please could you send her a 90th Birthday card. If you could sign it with your name and just add that you are someone that knows Hazel and Dan, or just sign it as a person that cares. It would mean the world to her.

Nanny Vi lost her son, who she lived with, at the beginning of lockdown. She was unable to attend our wedding as it was postponed. Nanny Vi has had to move nearer to family so they can care for her. This has moved away from friends and neighbours she knew. But she is now surrounded by family that love her.

Please help us give this incredible lady a 90th birthday she will never forget, by doing a random act of kindness. Message me directly for her address.