Every now again it is worth giving your social media a quick clean up, maybe once or twice a year to ensure that everything is on order, the right things are in the right places and your social media management is up to scratch.
In this blog post we would like to give you five top tips to clean up your business social media accounts and we recommend you do this at least twice a year as a very minimum.
Make sure you change your passwords at least twice a year, make note of the new password somewhere safe and give the new password to only the people that need it.
2.Permissions and Roles
Double check with employees have permission to post on the business social media pages, if they are posting appropriately and if new employees need to be added or roles and permissions changed to make it work better. You may find additional social media training is required to get all employees on the same page.
3.Old Accounts
If you have old accounts on social media you’ll find the social media company won’t rush to make the requested changes so look again for old accounts and request for them to consolidated with existing accounts or deleted.
4.Refresh The Images
Look at changing or refreshing the images in your cover photos or profile pictures to breathe a bit of fresh air into your profile. Your followers, fans and connections will notice the change and this will attract their attention to your posts once more.
5.Update Descriptions
In business things change frequently, you may be offering a new service, renamed a product or stopped offering something you used to. Take the time to check your profile on the social media sites you use and update them to represent you and your brand in the best way possible.
If you would like help cleaning up or managing your social media accounts then please contact us directly; we would be only too happy to help.