Just like a news article in the newspaper, the first paragraph can make or break the content. You need to nail that opening paragraph. This way you will have the reader engaged and wanting to know more. By nailing your opening your paragraph, you will boost the SEO of your website and increase your conversion rates too.

We recommend that you think of the opening paragraph as the place where the scene is set. Tell the reader what the blog is about and what they can expect. Give the reader an overview of the content. Use the opening paragraph to explain the key message that you want your readers to know. This will help Google see what you want the reader to know too.

By using short and simple sentences that are to the point, you will further help Google and your reader. Google can easily interpret your page accurately when you use simple sentences. The reader can quickly see what they need to know about the article or blog post too. Make sure your sentences in that first paragraph aren’t long and complicated. This could confuse both the readers of your content and search engines.

When you are trying to nail your opening paragraph there are some things you need to keep in mind. As we have already said, especially in that first paragraph keep your sentences short and simple. If you try and make your sentences sound too fancy, it could put your target readers and audience off.

You need to try and capture the interest of your audience in that first paragraph too. Find a way to relate to their problem. Not only this but tell them how you can or have solved their problem too. You should also set out expectations in that first paragraph. Explain what the blog post covers and what they can expect to learn.

To ensure that your opening paragraph starts your SEO friendly blog post the right way, include your focus keyword in that initial paragraph. It’s also a good idea to as the reader a direct question. This is style of sentence structure that helps to relate to the problem that the reader has. It also gives you that conversational tone that can encourage the reader to engage with and relate to your content.

Need help from our SEO copy writers to nail that opening paragraph? Call them now.