Getting time back from working in your business to working on your business is always a bonus. When you outsource your blog writing you are freeing up that time to focus on your business or look after other parts of your business.

However there are many other reasons that you may want to consider outsourcing your blog writing.

  • With an outsourced content writer you can choose the terms. Unlike a full-time employee that comes with risks when the business slows down, for example, an outsourced blogger can be used as and when you need new content.
  • The cost to outsource your blog writing is often cheaper than having someone in-house doing your blogs for you. This is because you don’t have the overheads or other related costs when you hire a new employee.
  • When you outsource to an experienced blog writer, the quality of your blog posts will improve. You may be great at writing blog posts as you know your business. However a blogger will come with the experience and skills needed to take your blogs to the next level.
  • You won’t need to take time out on training new employees. When you outsource your blog writing they are fully trained and ready to go. Often you just need to say how many blog posts you need and they can get started.
  • Many business owners set up their business as it is something they are passionate about. They then spend their time doing other ‘bits’. By outsourcing your blogging you get the time back to focus on your business, what you enjoy doing and what you’re good at.
  • You will gain sustainability for your business when you outsource your blogs to a professional blogger. Your blog posts are no longer reliant on your time and effort, because someone else is doing them for you.
  • Over a few months, dependent on how many blog posts you upload and how regularly, you will see better results. There will be an increase on visitors to your website. Your SEO ranking will increase too and you’ll gain more traffic. Visitors will enjoy spending more time on your site, learning more about you and will be more likely to purchase from you.

If you think you would like to outsource your blog writing and want to have a chat to us, please feel free. We can talk about your business and blog ideas and then go from there.