As a social media company in Peterborough, it is our job to keep on top of all the latest updates in the world of social media. Today we would like to share news of a recent Facebook update with you. Facebook have announced they will be testing political content reduction in news feeds. This has been done in response to concerns by users. The concerns are over the impact of divisive political debates. These have taken place on the platform over recent years, in particular.

Facebook reports that they will be testing several approaches to improve the news feed for users. These tests will include temporarily testing political content reductions in news feeds. This is being done for a percentage of users in Brazil, Indonesia, Canada and America. Of course, if the political content reduction in news feeds tests show positive results, this will be rolled out into the UK too.

Research by Facebook showed that one of the biggest topics for feedback from their community was a want for a political content reduction in their news feed. Facebooks aim for the year ahead is to build health communities. These should be communities that bring people closer together. In turn, this will help improve the user experience on their platform.

Previously Facebook has always allowed divisive political content. It is thought this is due to the amount of engagement it generates. However, while the political content has encouraged more engagement from some of the audience, it has driven more of their audience away. This is why Facebook looks to support and create more engagement. Content that everyone wants to interact with.

Clearly the powers that be at Facebook have realised that the overall platform engagement is more important that the boosted engagement gained through the political content. The engaging with political content is at the expense of overall usage. This is why Facebook want to monitor the political content reduction in news feeds. Thus, creating a better social media platform for everyone.