Quality website content will help grow your business online. However, it isn’t just as simple as writing some content, popping it on your website and the sales come rolling in. Instead, you have to optimise website content for SEO. This is how you will get your content, website and business found on search engines like Google. In this blog post we share how you can go about optimising your website content for SEO.

  • Keyword Research

Think about the words your audience will type into Google when they are looking for your services or products. For example, we offer content writing. However, there are various keywords our target audience will use when looking for our services. They may search for copy writers, content writers, bloggers, blog writers, SEO content writers and more. It’s important that you think about what your audience are looking for and the words they will use to find what you sell. This is the main consideration with optimising website content for SEO.

  • Links

Make sure you include links in your blog posts. This could be internal links to the page where the product is for sale or more details in another blog post. It could also be an external link to another website. This could be an event you are attending for example. These links show Google that this isn’t a one-off piece of random content. It will also help your target audience as they move around your website and find out more about your business and what you do. This will help keep people on your website and increase the chance of converting them to a paying customer. Including these links will help your target audience and it’s a great way of optimising your website content for SEO too.

  • Regular Fresh Content

The biggest mistake you can make when creating blog posts and website content is stopping. Instead of creating lots of web content at once and uploading quickly, spread it out. A new piece of content every week is better than lots at once and then nothing for ages. Update your website with regular and fresh content as a great way of optimising your website content for SEO. This will show Google it’s a regularly updated and cared for website. It will give your readers something to keep coming back for too.

If you need help creating good quality or regular SEO content to grow your business, contact our team now. We can create the content you require or come up with idea of great content for your website.