Posting regularly on social media is essential for keeping an active and professional presence on social media for your business. However, it may seem quite a challenge to post on social media every day of the week. Let alone 5 times a day!
Here at Creative Content Company we offer social media training and regular posting on social media pages. This is often what people are most concerned about. In this blog post we would like to share some top tips and ideas with you, so you can also post regularly on social media accounts for your business.
As we always do when we run social media training, we would recommend that you use a scheduling tool for your social media. We use Hootsuite. If you are not using a scheduling tool it can make posting regularly on social media accounts a very time consuming and even tedious job!
* Look through your diary and see where you are and what you are doing for the days and weeks ahead. Share details of meetings you are going to, countdowns to presentations you are doing or events you are running. Share details of networking groups you attend and even invites to so you can encourage your audience to attend the events too.
* Share testimonials or reviews. This is a chance to show that you are good at what you do along with why people choose to work with your business. It also shows your social media audience the sorts of businesses and industries that you work with too.
* Why not share the sort of work you are doing each day? For example we share that we are blogging that day for a window cleaner. Another time we may say we are creating a newsletter for a local restaurant. This is another chance to show your target audience the sorts of businesses and industries you work with, while reminding them about the difference services you offer.
* When you are out and about it meetings take a photo of you and the person you are meeting with. Or just the delicious coffee you are drinking with them for example. This helps make you more real, and less of a computer.
* If you go to an unusual looking place then why not take a selfie or photo of the place and ask your audience to guess where you are. This is a really good way of boosting engagement on posts. It also shows the different areas that you are working in, which again could help with potential business in that area.
* Share links back to your blog posts. If for example you have a blog post with ten top tips, then share one of those tips with the wording ‘for more tips like this read our blog’. Then a few days later share another tip with the same or similar wording.
* Talk about any new clients or unusual projects that you are working on. This shows your audience that you are a growing business, but again talks about the different work you do.
These are just some examples of things that you can share on social media to promote your business. As soon as you start filling in the calendar on your social media scheduling tool you’ll quickly see how easy 5 posts a day are.
But if you are still struggling then just give us a call. We would be happy to offer social media training, do some brainstorming with you or take away all the stress and manage your social media posting for you.