If you are interested in blogging services, SEO content for your website, social media training, social media management or some content for your newsletter then you need to sign up for our newsletter right now because we have some incredible special offers coming out in December – for the festive period only.
We’ve changed the idea of the 12 Days of Christmas slightly, instead of making the 12 days of Christmas over the period between Christmas Day and New Years Day; we are opting for a ‘12 days of Christmas’ in the form of 12 stupidly special offers, each lasting a day or two in the run up to Christmas.
All of the special offer are open to existing clients and brand new clients too, but if you are an existing client these special offers will be an add-on service to your existing requirements – still allowing you to make some huge savings.
However, these special offers are only available to those that have signed up to our newsletter by the 25th November as the email newsletter, full of special offers, will be sent out to all of our subscribers shortly after this date.
Don’t worry, you won’t be inundated with emails from us, we normally send a monthly email newsletter at the beginning of each month telling you about all the latest industry news, a special offer, links to the latest blog posts and links to our upcoming events.
Sometimes we send another email too, for example this year subscribers to our email newsletter got special offers for Halloween and Bonfire Night as well as other special occasions, but apart from that – you just get one email from us, once a month and if you get bored of us (which we really hope you won’t) then you can just click the unsubscribe button and you’ll never receive another email newsletter from us.
So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for our newsletter now, either by going to our blog page and filling in the newsletter subscription form at the top right of the page or by filling in the contact form on our contact us page.