As you will know we are supporting Macmillan Cancer Support on Friday 30th September with a Coffee Afternoon, but that’s not really what this blog post is about, instead this is a blog post about people and businesses coming together to support a brilliant cause, and how much you can achieve by working together.

So, firstly we have the joining of Creative Content Company, Rhetonic and Norman Cross Art Gallery – these are three businesses that are joining together to offer a venue for the event. Rhetonic and the team here at Creative Content Company share the office at Norman Cross Gallery and Norman Cross Art Gallery obviously own the venue.

Then we have the cakes, well of course the three businesses already mentioned are supplying cakes, but what’s a coffee afternoon without lots of cake? And that’s where Forbes Training and Ellen Jackson Videography come in. Both of which were very quick to offer their support through baking and we are sure many other attendees that are coming today will be bringing some treats too.

Of course we need attendees too, people to come along and enjoy the cakes. We have a load of people who have said they will come along and make a donation for cakes and coffee to Macmillan Cancer Support and without attendees it would just be a room with lots of cakes – so it’s great these people are coming along too!

However there are people that can’t come along but they are still really keen to support this amazing fundraiser so KSA Commercial and So Brand Creative have given a donation each towards the event – and they won’t even be enjoying the cakes.

And finally, we have spoken with a local business in Peterborough called AngelSprings. We are delivering all our left over cakes to them and they will be selling them to their employees too so we can try and make even more money for such a worthwhile cause.

But here is the best part – by all of us working together we are able to raise money for this charity, but what about all the other Macmillan Coffee Mornings taking place all over the UK? All these people are working together to make a success and raise amazing amounts of money for Macmillan Cancer Support.