As professional bloggers in Peterborough we are always talking to clients about the benefits of blogging and why they should blog. More often than not the business owners we speak to are keen, but they will just put it off until another day.

In this blog post we give you 5 of the best reasons that your business needs to start blogging now, as in RIGHT NOW!

  1. Get Personal

A blog post is a great way of adding personality to your business. You are what make your business different to the competition. This is especially the case if you are a one person business or a smaller business. Use blog posts as a way of showing and telling your audience who you are and why you business is different / better from the rest.

  • Build A Presence

There is so much competition online that you need to work hard to get a presence online. Blog posts are a great way of building your presence online. Each blog post is a new page on your website that can be indexed by Google and seen by your target audience. You can then use each blog post as great content to share on social media pages, in emails and newsletters.

  • Be An Expert

By uploading and sharing good quality, informative and insightful blog posts you are portraying yourself as an industry expert. In each blog post you are showing your audience that you know what you are talking about. Overtime your audience will see you as an industry expert and turn to you when they need what you offer.

  • Convert Those Visitors

It is reported that it takes 3-5 pages of content to be read before a potential client will make content. Each blog post helps towards these 3 -5 pages of content needed to make that sale. Blog posts tell the reader more about your business, your brand and your service or product. It is these blog posts that will help you convert visitors to your website into paying customers.

  • Increase Traffic

You can use blogging as a way of increasing the traffic to your website. Then ore pages on your website the more chance you have of Google sending visitors your way. You can use more keywords in your blog posts to gain more traffic. The blog posts that you share links of on social media will also help direct more traffic to your website. While SEO is not a numbers game, the more people landing on your website will make sales more likely!

If you don’t have the time to start blogging now then give us a call. We can start blogging now for your business. You can give us some keywords and titles, or we can come up with ideas for you. Whatever works best for you!