We still find we are speaking to business owners that aren’t aware why blogging for business is so important and why their businesses should be blogging. These businesses aren’t aware of the benefits that a business blog post can bring to the website, brand and business.
In this blog post we have put together some blogging statistics of 2018 that we have found on line. We think these statistics will show you just how important blogging for your business is. Hopefully it will encourage you to start blogging too.
Why Should Your Business Be Blogging?
Companies that blog receive 97% more inbound links to their website. Websites that have a blog that is regular updated tend to have 434% more indexed pages than businesses and websites without a blog.
Companies that published 16 or more blog posts to their website in a month got 3.5 times more traffic than companies than published 0-4 blog posts to their website each month.
B2B companies that uploaded 11 new blog posts to their website each month had almost 3 times the traffic than those businesses that uploaded 0-1 blog posts each month.
Meanwhile B2C businesses that uploaded 11 or more, fresh blog posts to their business website in a month got 4 times as many leads as B2C businesses that only uploaded fresh blog posts 4-5 times per month.
Statistics also show that companies uploading 16 or more blog posts to their business website in one month for around 4.5 times more leads than companies that published just 0-4 blog posts per month.
In 2017 research found that 42% of all Fortune500 businesses had a public blog that could be found online.
Research also found that 53% of marketers state that blog content creation is their top inbound marketing priority.
If you would like your business to reap the benefits of blogging, but you haven’t got time to write the blog posts in-house, then why not outsource your blogging to us?