When it comes to blog post ideas, FAQ blogs are always a winner. Like this blog post for example. Think about a question that your audience asks, and turn it into a blog post. There will be so many questions that you are asked by your clients and potential clients. The idea of FAQ blog posts could give you an endless supply of blog post ideas.

We would recommend that you use the question as the title of the blog post. People are asking you the question face to face. It is likely that other people are looking for the answer too perhaps via Google. By having the question as the title, it will help your blog post get found when someone asks the question to Google.

In the FAQ blog post you need to talk about the question. Talk about why you think it is so frequently asked. Then answer the question in a clear, easy, simple and jargon free way. The simpler the answer, the easier it is for the reader to understand. This will then help create and build a relationship between you and the reader.

FAQ blogs works so well because you are telling the reader exactly what they want. You can then lead on from the blog post to encourage a sale. For example, in this blog post we are answering a question about FAQ blog posts, so we have linked to a page where we offer that service.

If you are frequently asked the questions in emails or via social media you can also reply with the blog link too, instead of typing out the answer again and again!

FAQ blogs work because they save you time. They also help with your SEO as its new and fresh content on your website. On top of that they and give your audience what they need!

If you know the frequently asked questions but don’t have the time to write FAQ blogs then contact us. Our blog writers in Peterborough can write your FAQ blog posts for you.