Very often clients and contacts will ask us which social media platforms are best for them. This may sound like an easy question with a one word answer but sadly that is not the case. For each company, business, person and industry the answer is different. This is why we take the time to understand our clients before supporting them with social media training or social media management.
We recently came across some research by Over-Graphs; they completed a survey to find out which social media channels social media users find most useful to research the products and or services, before visiting a local or small business. The options they were given were Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Other and here is what Over-Graphs found;
63% of those surveyed found Facebook to be most useful, 12% found Pinterest to be most useful for product research, closely followed by Twitter with 11% of the votes and Instagram with 9% of the votes with ‘Other’ totalling 6% of those surveyed and could include social media sites like LinkedIn, YouTube and Google+ as a brief example.
Now of course we don’t know a lot about the people surveyed, their background and what they like to buy, but what we can see is that when people want to buy from a local small business they head to Facebook. If your business is based locally and welcomes customers into your office, shop or business then it is essential that you are on Facebook.
Potential customers will be looking at your Facebook page for signs of engagement with customers so they can see your personality and the voice of the brand, they will want to see reviews and testimonials from customers and also photos of the products or services. If they like what they see then they will come in and see you.
If you need help with social media management for your Facebook business page then give us a call, we would be only too happy to help!