Our clients come to us for blog writing because they don’t have the time to write blog posts themselves, they don’t want to write the blog posts, or they don’t have any fresh blog topic ideas. We offer fresh blog topic ideas as a service, but in this blog post we would like to share a few places that you can get some brilliant blog post ideas for your business;

  1. Have a watch of the news, a read of the newspaper or a flick through a magazine. You will come across articles and snippets that are relevant to your business so create a blog post that talks about that article or snippet, then includes your view.
  2. Look at industry forums as well as question and answer sites. You’ll notice there are questions that people are asking about your services, offerings or industry so use each question as a blog title and answer the question within the blog post.
  3. Take a look at your social media platforms to see which posts you’re sharing that people engage with and what your followers and target audience are talking about. You can then use these as blog topics or titles for your blog posts.
  4. Keep an eye out for industry interviews as you can use snippets from this, use the questions and answer them yourselves or share your views on the interview, with a link back to the interview within your blog post.
  5. Have a look at what your competitors are talking about in their blog posts and think how you can utilise these ideas for your own blog posts. Don’t ever copy what they have done. Also look at other businesses offering what you offer in different areas as this will be a great source of fresh blog ideas too.
  6. Look at Google Analytics for the search terms and keywords that your readers are typing in to be directed to your website. Start putting these keywords and search terms in your blog posts or as blog post titles. Also look at the blog posts that are most popular and re-word and re-use these to attract a different audience.

Happy Blogging!