In business and marketing, people talk a lot about marketing touches. These touches are the times that people see your business and are made aware of your brand. For example, a marketing touch could be your branded vehicle on the road, a sign outside your office or a poster in a window for example. There are also digital marketing touches. These will be things like your website, an advert on Google, post on Facebook or a video on YouTube for example. But how can you make sure it is a marketing touch and not just a ‘touch’?

It’s your brand, your logo and your colours. Having these things on your marketing will ensure that you ‘touch’ your audience in the right way – and that they know about it. 

For example, in all of our YouTube videos you can see our logo in the background. This is because our office wall has our logo on it. Every video we do for YouTube in the office, we make sure the logo is in the background. In our blog posts you can see the logo at the top. The pictures we use, as much as possible, will have some of our company colours in too. When we exhibit at business events, we will have bunting and balloons of our company colours too. All flyers and other printed marketing materials will have our company colours, font and logo on too. 

Our social media profiles are photos of the team and our logo. This means that when people see our posts on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, they will have our logo on. It doesn’t matter what the post is about and if the image for the update is our logo – our logo will still be there,

It’s the same with our new business networking event. We could have called it anything we wanted, but we called it Creative Networking. This means it is linked to our business name and brand. The logo is the same, just the business name underneath has changed.

So, where are your marketing touches and are they working for you? Could they be changed from just touches to your marketing touches?