Not updating the blog on your website is one of the most serious blogging crimes there are. For me, it is my biggest pet hate. I think there is nothing worse than setting out your blog, and creating your first blog post which says “this page will be used to update you with all our exciting news and updates.

Then no further blogs 3 years down the line.

If you last uploaded a new blog post six months ago, or even six weeks ago in fairness, then you have already committed a serious blogging crime.

This could land your website in a virtual jail – and that is not a good thing. It isn’t like monopoly where you just roll a double 6 and get out of jail free!

When you don’t update your website with a fresh blog post you are letting your visitors down and Google down. They have come to expect regular content from you and now demand it from you.

By not updating your website with fresh content you will find that search engines like Google will not take your website seriously. If your competition continues uploading fresh content and new blog posts then your website will drop down the rankings on search engines.

If you start posting regular blog posts to your website and then suddenly stop for weeks or months on end then visitors to your website will feel cheated and they may even wonder if your business is still operational or if you are having problems within the business.

So how can you stay out of the virtual jail?

You need to update your website regularly with fresh and engaging blog posts. When we say regularly we mean once a month as a minimum, ideally once a week or more if possible.

If you find yourself panicking already that you don’t be able to find the time, then you may need to consider outsourcing your blog writing

While this will be an extra cost to your business, can your business really afford to lose ranking and visitors?