When you are a brand new business with a brand new website there are lots of things you want to do. Of course you want to start earning, but this doesn’t happen straight away for many new businesses so instead you try and think how best to use your time as you have lots spare.

One option is blogging for your new business; this then gives you something to share on social media, but is also a really good way of competing with the other companies selling what you sell and doing what you do. There business may be busier than yours and therefore they haven’t got the time to write blog posts – but this is what can help you climb the search engine ranks and put yourself towards the top of the search engines for your industry – but what can you blog about as a new business?

You will have an About Us Page (if you do not, you need one!) but why not write a blog post about your story, where you came from and where you are going. Why you set up your business and what you hope to achieve.

Why not write a blog post that shares your company values, this way people can understand what you and your business are about and this may make them more inclined to purchase a product or service from you?

‘An Interview With’ type blogs are also a great idea for new businesses. Start by interviewing yourself and then any members of the team as well. Ask any answer questions about why they like the job and working for the company, the best and worst bits and then move onto more informal stuff like what they do in their spare time, how they enjoy their hot beverage and favourite biscuits and maybe a life quote too?

As soon as you have worked with your first client create a case study as a blog post talking about what the client wanted, what you offered and the end result. This then shows visitors to your website what you do and how it can work for them. This is a great way of promoting your business in a non-pushy and sales way.

If you need help blogging for your business as a new business then let us know, we’d be happy to help you come up with ideas and blog posts for your business.