We’ve explained in previous blog posts why other businesses have got involved in VisionShift, why we organise this community event, what businesses get out of this community event and such like but we haven’t actually looked at what residents (those in prison) get out of VisionShift.
So that is exactly what this blog post will cover as it is a question that many people in business that are interested in getting involved have been asking us;
Based on last years event we gained feedback from the residents, asking them what they thought of the event and what they gained from VisionShift and this is what they had to say;
- Some said they felt they had let themselves down, their families and the community down but by having business’s come into prison and take time out of their days it showed them that people did still believe in them which helped them believe in themselves.
- A number of residents were offered work on release from prison while others were offered day release work which is still ongoing for them and their fellow residents.
- Other residents were unsure what they were going to do on release and by meeting people in business they gained ideas or inspiration and were pointed in the right direction for training, contacts and such like.
However the biggest thing to me was that I noticed the growth in confidence on that day alone, from the first 4 minutes with a new person to 30minutes in you could see smiles on the residents faces, they were positive and motivated and weeks and months later it was still being spoken about amongst the residents when I was teaching in classes.
So what are you waiting for – why don’t you get involved in VisionShift this year? The dates are the 7th October and the 14th October from around 9am to 2pm ish (definite times to be confirmed nearer the event). All I need is your full name, date(s) you can get involved, your email address and company name to [email protected] – I really hope you can make it!