Your home page is often the first page that your target audience will land on. This is where your visitors will go when they find your business online. Are you give visitors what they expect to find on your home page? Do you know what should be on your home page of your business website?

Huff/Ko Marketing completed some research on this topic that they put together in a B2B Web Usability Report. We have put the results below so you can see what should be on your home page.

  • 86% of visitors to a website expect to see details of the products or services that your business offers. This reassures the visitor that they have come to the right place and you sell what they need.
  • 64% of visitors to a website will be expecting to find your contact details on the home page. This needs to be a contact number or email address. Your contact details will give the visitor reassurance that if something goes wrong, they can easily contact you.
  • 52% of visitors to a website expect to see content about the team or business, or a photo. This could just be a snippet of content that leads to the ‘about’ page. This part of your home page shows visitors who you are and what makes you stand out from the competition.
  • 27% of visitors to a website expect to see testimonials. This is another reassurance that they can trust you and your business. You could have a few testimonials or a sliding banner of testimonials from your happy customers.
  • 23% of visitors to your website expect to see your marketing collateral. This includes your business name, logo, brand colours and a strapline if you have one.
  • 12% of visitors to your website expect to see your social media icons. This gives them an icon to click to find out about you, your business and what you offer. If you’re not using your social media pages, don’t include links to them.
  • 8% of visitors expect to see a blog on your home page. This could be a tab along the top of your page, or images and snippets of your latest blogs towards the end of your home page. It shows the visitor that you are posting fresh content and still in business.
  • 2% of visitors to your website expect to see pricing on your home page. This tends to be dependent on your business and your customers. If you are selling products is more expected to see the prices than services for example.

Is all this included on the first page of your website? If you need help ensuring you have what should be on this page, call our team. We have a team of content writers in Peterborough who can create and write your home page for you to make sure you have everything included that your visitors expect to see.