What can you do in four hours? Research shows that it takes the average business owner 3 hours and 55 minutes to write a standard blog post. This research weas completed by Orbit Media and it looked at a number of business blog statistics. However, this was a piece of research that we found really interesting.

What can you do in four hours within your business? Could you complete four client’s hair in the salon? Maybe you could run 4 webinars, train a selection of clients for a half-day session, or complete four hours of training yourself? Could you complete MOTs on four cars, catch up on all your bookkeeping or do some office admin and get on top of your emails?

Perhaps a more important question is how much could you earn in four hours? If you were able to complete four client’s hair in your salon, how much would you earn for your business? How much would four MOTs be worth for your business? If you could run four hours of training for paying clients, how much would that boost your bottom line by?

Chances are more than £40 for 4 hours work. This is where our blog writing services come in. We charge £40 for a one-off blog post of 300-600 words. This will save you four hours in your business. These four hours can be spent elsewhere in your business. You can use this time to focus on other tasks or earn more money for your business.

Maybe you would prefer more than one blog post a month? In which case we charge £35 for weekly blog posts. That’s 4 blog posts for £140 or 5 blog posts for £175 – dependent on how many weeks are in the month. Four blog posts, according to the research, would take you 16 hours to complete. On average, that’s about 2 full days.

Do you earn more than £140 for four days work? If you do, then you might want to consider outsourcing your blog writing. You won’t only save time and money, you’ll gain experience, knowledge and blogging skills for your business too.

So, what can you do in four hours – and is it worth gaining those four hours back for your business and outsourcing your blog writing?