When it comes to the key things that make a good blog post, you need to forget a lot of what you were taught at school. As a blog writer, you need to think about the reader. This often means breaking some of the rules you were taught about writing at school. Instead, you need to write blog posts in a way that engages with your audience and gives them the most value.

There are key things that make a good blog post and we have listed some of these below for you. These are things that have been tried and tested by us and many blog writers across Cambridgeshire, the UK and the world. We have explained these key things that make a good blog post in brief. If you’d like more details, just drop us a line.

  • You Need A Clear Structure

This makes it easy for the readers to read your blog post and find the information they want from the blog post.

  • You Need Attention-Grabbing Titles

Think about the sort of title that would make your audience stop what they are doing and read your blog post. Your blog title needs to grab attention, but the content also needs to meet the expectations set out in the title.

  • You Need To Offer Practical Advice

People will be reading your blog post to find something out or learn something. Make sure you include something in your blog post that they can actually use or find interesting.

  • You Need A Flowing Use Of English

It’s important that your blog post is easy to read and follow. This can be sone with varied vocabulary and short snappy sentences for example. Using an active voice in your blog posts is a good idea too.

  • Your Need Concise Paragraphs

Here at Creative Content Company, we talk a lot about ‘skimmable content’. What we mean is that your blogs have concise paragraphs. Don’t go around the houses, fluffing up your content for extra works. Instead, get straight to the point and stick to it.

These are just some of the key things that make a good blog post. They are also the things that we do in all our own blogs and blogs for our clients. If you would like help creating blogs for your business, just contact our blog writers in Peterborough.