Keywords and key search terms are the things that you want to be found for. By this we mean the things you want your target audience to type into Google and then be greeted by a link to your website. But it can be hard to figure out your keywords, especially if you don’t know the Google secret of your keywords.

However, fear not. In this blog post we are going to share the Google secret of your keywords with you. Granted, that means it isn’t really a secret anymore – but it is still really useful stuff to know!

Think about what you do and what you want to be found for; what your keywords might be.

For us here at Creative Content Company for example, we want to be found for things like Content Creation Peterborough. Let us use that as an example for this blog post to help explain the Google secret of your keywords.

So if you put ‘Content Creation Peterborough’ into Google you will see we are on page one for this. (Phew, we are doing something right). However if you scroll to the bottom of page one, you will see something titled ‘Searches related to content creation Peterborough.

Under this there are 7 different search terms. These are other things that people have searched to find similar services. Some of these things you can use as your keywords.

For example related searches came up as content creators UK, content development services, digital content creation, content agency and similar. These are all search terms that we can use in our website to gain more traffic from our target audience.

One way that keywords can be used is through blog posts. If you find the related search terms on Google then think of a blog post title that uses that search term. Then you’re away, get your blog post written and over time Google will move you up the rankings to page one for that search term.

That is the Google secret of your keywords. If you’d like help embracing this secret for your marketing then give us a call. Our content writers in Peterborough would be happy to help!