Social Media can be a really effective marketing tool for small businesses, it’s free and it can help you grow brand awareness for your business but there are some pointers that you will need to follow to make it successful and these are as follows;

Be You and Be Real

When it comes to posting on social media it’s so important that you are you, and you are real. Social Media works so well because it gives users the rare opportunity to get to know the personality of a business and the people within a business, by being genuine you can build real relationships with potential and current clients.

Don’t Spread Yourself About

There are lots of social media platforms out there and it’s important to remember that you don’t need to be on all of them. Choose the social media platform or platforms that will work best for you, and where your target audience hang out and post there – instead of using a scattergun approach.

Be Useful Not Salesy

Don’t use all your time on social media telling people about your new services or products and your latest special offers, instead be social. Share tips and pointers to help people in your industry. The aim of your social media presence is to engage with your followers and fans, not to talk at them.

Measure It, Monitor It

The general rule of social media is that it will take 3 months to show whether your presence on social media platforms is achieving anything.  After three months look at your social media, how much traffic are you getting to your website from social media platforms and have you grown in likes, fans and followers? If not you may be doing something wrong.

Don’t Run Away!

The most important about social media, especially for a small business is to stay active. Firstly it means you can’t be forgotten but also it means people won’t think your small business has come to an end. Stay active on social media, posting daily and relying as often as you can to help increase your brand awareness through social media.