If you are looking for brand awareness then social media is the right place for you, if the research about being seen 9 times improves the chance of a customer purchasing from you then social media will help you get seen. To improve the brand awareness of your business, posting a least once a day on social media platforms will help more people be aware of your brand. However, don’t just post like a robot, show you’re a real human being.

Maybe you are looking for another way for businesses to find you; many large companies have customer service teams that just use social media to search for people talking about them in a positive and negative ways and then engage with them. This is a really good ‘brand protection’ process too.

Different platforms help you achieve different things so have a think about what you want from social media and give us a call. We can help you decide the best platform for your business and for what your business wants to do.

Also have a look through our other blog posts and you can see the pointers we have put together for using social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and more. Whatever you are trying to achieve from social media there will be a platform out there for you.

When you decide your business needs to be on social media platforms you also need to decide what you want from social media. Many businesses think they are going to join Facebook or Twitter and over night they will have 5000 customers queuing up to buy from them. Some customers think that by joining Instagram the ranking of their website will be greatly improved on websites like Google, (sadly this has not yet been proven but rankings have been improved through the use of Pinterest). Others feel that by being on LinkedIn they will become massively successful business people by adding a few posts. Sadly social media does not work like that. Social Media takes a lot of time and effort to make it work.