Some people feel that social media sites are used to tell everyone what they are having for lunch. This article shows you how important social media could be for your business. These are the social media facts you need to know. This blog post also shows you just how many customers you could be missing out on by not managing your social media correctly!
The most important thing about the social media strategy for your business is to decide which social media sites you need to be on. There are hundreds of social media sites out there. You do not need to be on them all. Look at the most popular social media sites out there. Then think about which ones suit your business. Don’t just stick your profile on all of them.
If you’re unsure which one is best for you drop me a line and I can give you some free advice on the best social media sites for your business and why!
It is said that there are over 1.15 billion active users on Facebook. In one year this increased by 21% and is still growing. Facebook numbers are huge. However, research shows that Facebook may not be the best route for smaller businesses. It is dependant on what they sell!
It is rumoured that having a Google+ profile / business page helps the rankings of your website on Google as the social media site is owned by Google. Matt Cutts strongly denies this but some people have seen an improvement in their rankings further to uploading their company on Google+. It is fast becoming the second biggest network. Users claim the posts they put on Google+ get more views there than on Facebook. It is reported that there are 343 million active users on this platform. But is Google+ the right place for your business?
The power of Twitter lies in the fact it is simple and updates in ‘real time’. Due to the fact TV programs use Twitter as a way to connect and gain feedback from their viewers it has made this site very popular. Twitter makes it very easy to search for potential clients. However, it is often in the media for bad reasons such as spamming, bullying and such like. Is Twitter the place you want your business to be? Could your customers be some of the 500 million Twitter users?
LinkedIn was introduced as a very ‘business like’ social media platform. The site have been working very hard to make it more social. LinkedIn currently has 238 million users. Is this a site better for Business-to-Business sales as opposed to Business-to-Customer sales?
YouTube offer one billion unique visitors every month. It’s pretty big and the fact it is owned by Google could help with your rankings (although denied by Matt Cutts as per Google+). Is this the place you want to showcase your business? Do you have potential clients waiting for you on YouTube?
Pinterest users count is currently just over 70 million users. The fact that each ‘pin’ is a ‘do follow’ link back to your site but what about social media. Do you have customers on Pinterest that want to get ‘social’ with you?
So, these are our social media facts you need to know. Are you surprised by any of the figures? What is your favourite social media site?