I recently took park in Pay it Forward Day with the Soul Happy Tribe – it was a really positive day and a brilliant event, spreading sunshine, smiles hugs and cakes across Peterborough from the city centre to Serpentine Green.

Before the event I wrote LOTS of random acts of kindness cards that people could choose ad take away with them, encouraging them to complete a random act of kindness for somebody else – therefore paying forward the good deed. There were loads of great ideas that I came across so I wanted to list some here in case you fancied doing your own random act of kindness;

  • Spare Change Project – pop your spare change in the next charity pot that you see.
  • Thank You Note – send a thank you note to your local emergency services or even to someone that served you nicely in a shop or restaurant.
  • Give 3 heartfelt and genuine compliments to people you meet; see if you can do this every day or every month. You and the receiver will feel much better for it.
  • Send a letter to a friend or family member you haven’t been in touch for a while, just to say you’re thinking of them.
  • Call up an elderly relative to check in with them, give them the time to tell you how they are and what they are doing.
  • Praise a parent of a child, sometimes it is comforting to know you’re doing a good job!
  • Send a text or email to a friend to tell them how much they have positively impacted your life.
  • Let someone out in the traffic in front of you, or give up your seat on public transport; it’s a small act of kindness but it really makes other peoples days easier.
  • Pick up some litter and put it in the bin, this isn’t something that will directly affect someone else, but it will help create a tidier community for everyone and if someone else sees you doing it they may do the same.
  • Buy a scratch card for someone
  • Clear out your old clothes for a charity shop; buy an extra tin of food for the food bank or save some toiletries for the homeless people.
  • Bake a cake for a neighbour or take some treats into work for your team.

These are just some of the numerous acts of kindness you can do yourself – which will you do today?