As explained in an earlier blog post, I am running another community project but this time at Linchfield Primary School in Deeping St James, Lincolnshire for Yr 6s (children aged 10 and 11 years old) and I will need some volunteers from a wide range of backgrounds such as the police force, fire brigade, hospitals, vets, teachers, shop workers, athletes, warehouse workers, restaurant and hotel, the bank, army and such like.
The idea of the event is to give children an idea of what they can do when they grow up, some will have parents that have worked in the same job for years, run their own business or don’t work at all so by meeting a wide range of people from different jobs and industries it will give the children an idea of different jobs and maybe something new for the future.
This is an afternoon event on Wednesday 1st March and the children will be in groups of 5 to 8 children, dependant on how many volunteers we get. It will take place at the school and will be very laid back and friendly for the children.
The children will take turns asking the volunteers individually what job they do, what job they wanted when they were younger, how long they have been in their job, the skills they use (eg: maths, communication, spelling, IT, etc), what they like most and least about their job and similar questions – the questions won’t be testing (although there is a chance for the children to ask their own questions, which could be literally anything!).
It’s basically a chance for the pupils to meet ‘real people’ and learn more about different jobs and industries to work in.
We are currently looking for volunteers from different backgrounds that would be willing to come along to this event and support the children at Linchfield Primary School. It is just for one afternoon and we will see around 60 children in small groups. Please let me know if you think you may be able to help?
If you can help, please email me; [email protected]