You might not be like us and that’s completely fine. However, here at Creative Content Company we want to work with businesses or suppliers that have made the effort to find out who we are and what we do. It’s not hard to see what a business does and what they offer – which is why we were surprised to get this email recently. It is clearly what we would call a ‘numbers game spam email’.
Would you like some help promoting your business on Facebook?
If you know you would like to promote your
business on Facebook but regularly posting and being active isn’t your thing
then we are here to help.
We can look after it all, posting every single day leaving you to get on with
what your good at.
Your customers will expect to be able to find your company on Facebook and will
want to see recent and regular posts to be assured you’re a current and trusted
It costs only £75 + vat per month for weekday posts or £100 + vat a month for
To find out more get in touch (and their details).
By looking at our website you can see we offer 3 main services, one of these is social media management, which includes Facebook management. This is a service that we offer to our clients. Using your imagination it would be easy to think that we might also do our own, and maybe we don’t need someone else to do it for us?
The typo in the email ‘your’ doesn’t fill us, or anyone else that received this email, with hope that they’ll be great at what they do? Do you really want your ‘trusted provider’ posting content on your Facebook page that has spelling mistakes in it?
And, as previous readers of our spam email warning blog posts will know, you have the check the email source. In this case we didn’t even need to do that. They had kindly included their email address and telephone number for us. It was a business name @ gmail / googlemail / hotmail address and the telephone number was a mobile number.
I stress again, as I often do when I jump on my ‘spam email soapbox’ that you should have a professional business email address if you want to come across like a professional business. You also need to do your research. Don’t try and sell something to a company that offer that service!?!?!?
The reason we call this email a ‘numbers game spam email’ is because they have collected lots and lots of email addresses and done a send to all. The hope is that the more they send it to the more chance they will have of ‘winning’.
However, by doing a little bit more research they may have actually built a real connection and won some real business from someone they sent it to.