Research shows that nearly half of all social media users will unfollow a brand or business on social media if they post too much sales content or promotional messages. To be exact, it is 40.6% of social media users that will unfollow brands because they are too salesy.

I get it. We use social media to be social. We don’t want to be sold at. Why do you think Netflix don’t have adverts? When we the last time you didn’t skip through the adverts in a program or film you recorded off the TV? We don’t go on social media to be sold at. Those brands that are selling at people all the time are getting unfollowed.

So, if you don’t want to risk people unfollowing your brand because they are too salesy, then what else can you post?

  • Blog posts are a great way of creating content on your website for SEO, but also supporting you in social media. Sharing snippets of your blog isn’t selling. Instead it is telling people more about who you are. You can share tips, advice, how to guides, local news and more. This can all be used as great quality content on social media that your audience will enjoy.
  • Photos! Take photos of your products, of your office, of you and your team. Show people that you are not just a robot. You are a real person and a real business. Photos of you, your office and your team, builds up trust and it starts creating that relationship too.
  • Testimonials are a really great way of showing your followers how awesome you are, without actually saying ‘Look, we are awesome’. Instead you are sharing words of your customers. This works really well in promoting your business and offerings, without your brand being too salesy.
  • Top Tips are another really good thing to share on social media. If you can share top tips that will help other people, they will appreciate you and your brand for doing so. It is likely these top tips will be shared too. This will help get your business and brand out there, in front of new people.
  • Funny stuff is always popular on social media. This could be a ‘Friday Funny’ that is relevant to your business, for example. Alternatively, why not look at the national days and see what you can share that tie in with these and make your audience smile.

These are just some of the things you can share to avoid people unfollowing your brand because you are too salesy. However, the most important thing is to be ‘you’. Make sure your posts meet the voice and tone of your business and your brand.

If you need help managing your social media posting or would like some training on social media; contact us now. We offer online social media training and face to face social media training for teams or individuals.

If you want to unfollow brands because they are too salesy, maybe you could tell them and send them a link to this blog post too?