I often speak to people who don’t see the point of social media for business, they feel there is no need and they won’t gain anything from using Linkedin or social media as a whole. Today I am pleased to prove you wrong. By using Linkedin I have managed to bag myself free tickets to the Opening Night of an incredible new restaurant called House of Feasts in Peterborough.

Damian, the owner and founder (and chef) of House of Feasts was on Linkedin asking people their preferred choice of two meats and all you had to do was respond and share the post, and 6 winners would be chosen at random – of which I was one.

I will be attending the Opening Night on 9th June and my mouth is already watering for this fantastic place. The website is www.houseoffeasts.co.uk and the food pictured there looks delicious, I can feel myself dribbling just looking at the photos.

On the Opening Night I will be treated to a welcoming feast with a secret menu and Chef Damian will be showcasing his sourdough breads, marinated meats and more. I will get the chance to try his excellent bone marrow butter and taste a selection of canapés and desserts with all dishes being explained by Damian – could it get any better?

I am extremely excited for this event and this restaurant, not only because it is in Peterborough and near enough on my doorstep, but also because Chef Damian does some amazing things in the community too. As you’ll know from my previous blog posts I am big on helping the community and the homeless and it seems Chef Damian is too.

House of Feasts will be giving away 6-8 free meals to the homeless every other Wednesday and they are actively encouraging other restaurants to get involved so more homeless people can be fed and shown care.  What a brilliant idea? One that I definitely believe in.

I shall be sharing my experience of this event and restaurant on my return, but in the meantime may I suggest you pop by the website and ogle all the delicious foods this restaurant will have on offer.