As anyone that follows us on social media will know, the Light Project Peterborough has begun and once again Hazel, our Owner & Founder is heavily involved. This year she has been promoted from general volunteer and cake maker to Volunteer Shift Coordinator at the Central Venue and, of course, Chief Cake Maker!

The project began on Monday 11th December and will run through to 11th March, covering the coldest months of the year; during this time we expect to help lots of homeless people from Peterborough get back on their feet with the right support, care and attention and hopefully into permanent accommodation.

Having received the first Light Project Peterborough update for the project I would like to share the following with you. This message is from Steven, the Project Consultant for Light Project Peterborough and the Winter Night Shelter;

  • We are well into week two and thank you so much for all your support.  We have had 11 referrals onto the project so far and provided a total of 54 beds for the night. A total of 598 volunteer hours have been contributed and 1 guest has been successfully moved on to permanent accommodation and off the streets of Peterborough; he is very grateful for the support and love he has been given during his time with the project.

As you can see we are off to a flying start and I think this may be a new record to get someone permanent accommodation so quickly.

I am so pleased to be part of such a rewarding project that achieves real things and actually changes people’s lives; who knows where these people could have ended up, and now they are in permanent accommodation who knows where their lives could now take them?

If you would like to donate any amount of money to help the running of this project then please click here.

As a well known supermarket says; Every Little Counts.