There are lots of social media calls to action that you can use to get your target audience to do ‘something’ it just depends what you want them to do.

The reader on your website or the person reading your blog posts will expect a call to action so they know where you want them to go next or what you want them to do. This isn’t always the case with social media, but if you can use the right call to action for your target audience they will be putty in your hand, following all of your requested actions.

We have put together a collection of blog posts where we share some of the most popular calls to actions, when you can use them and the words you can use to get the social media calls to action across.

In this blog post we talk about using ‘Share’ as a call to action.

Share is a great call to action as it gets your target audience to do some of your marketing for you, and sometimes when people see something from someone they know, not just a ‘brand’ they are more likely to pay attention!

Social Media Call To Action – Share

You can use ‘share’ as a social media call to action to enable you to reach new audiences, to get the attention of the like-minded friends of your audience base, to engage your audience with a low-level ask and / or to raise awareness around an issue or campaign.

The action language you can use to get your audience to share your posts, as well as going for the standard ‘please share’ could be retweet / share if you think / feel / believe … , tell your friends that you … ,show the world that you … , spread the word.

You may have seen examples like this by the larger brands who want your support when they are raising funds for a charity, supporting gay pride, or similar.

How could the ‘share’ social media call to action work for your business?