In this blog post we’re going to be talking about how you can get your readers to be excited about your newsletters. Let’s be honest, if you have two emails in your inbox, one is from a friend and the other is from a massive corporation which are you looking forward to reading the most? Which do you prefer to read?

If you want more subscribers to your email newsletter you need to bear this in mind, you want to write like a friend, not like a massive corporation would. You know, like and trust your friends so remember this when you’re creating your email newsletter.

By toning down the corporate look and creating a minimalist email design with a conversational and respectful voice will help you create a friendly and eagerly anticipated email newsletter that your reader will love.

Firstly you need to stop talking to your list and your subscribers, instead write as if you are only emailing the newsletter to one person and this will quickly make your email newsletters more personable.

Don’t just send newsletters for the sake of it or you’ll be wasting your readers time, instead only send email newsletters when you have something valuable or helpful to say. By being useful and helpful you will be like a real friend and people will be happy to read your newsletter and encourage others to do the same.

Use your name, don’t use the company name but instead sign it off as you and use your name as the ‘from address’ to make the email newsletter more personal. It’s really important to be trustworthy too, we know you are using the newsletter as part of your marketing campaign and to increase sales but make sure you give people what they want too and if it is going to be a sales newsletter make that clear when they sign up.

It’s a good idea to give people a reward or benefit from reading your newsletter and / or subscribing to your newsletter. This could be a very special offer, unique but useful tip or something that will make them feel better or inspire them.

If you would like help with the newsletter creation for your business then give us a call, we are always happy to help where we can.