If you are writing blog posts, you should definitely be sharing these on social media. This will help direct more traffic to your website, more readers for your blog posts and hopefully more sales for your business.

While sharing to Twitter and Facebook may seem pretty simple, just taking a snippet of the blog, pasting it into social media with a link to the blog. It can be different for LinkedIn, as there is something called LinkedIn Articles.

However, while this may seem ‘new and scary’, they are actually an added bonus. 

The first thing you need to do is write the blog post and include the internal links to other pages on your website.

When the blog post is live on your website copy and paste it from your website into LinkedIn Article. Add the same photo that you have on the blog post on your website. Use the title you have on your website blog for the article title too. Then at the end of the blog post add ‘for more blog posts like this, visit our website’ and include the link back to your website. You then need to publish the article and share it.

Alongside this, you need to continue sharing the blog post on social media. This should be snippets of the blog post with a link back to the blog post. Just as you would do normally on social media posts. The article is just an added bonus.

It is important to add to those more savvy among us, that this does not count as duplicate content.

If you were to copy and paste the blog post in full to another website or online platform / website this would be classed as duplicate content. This can then result in your website being penalised (dropped) by Google. This is not the case for LinkedIn as it is a constantly updated platform.

If you have any questions or are not sure how to upload a LinkedIn Article then just ask. We would be happy to help.