We are always talking about how much blogging is great for SEO. However, in this blog post we take it one step further. We look at how much blogging really impacts SEO. This is especially the case now paids ads are dropping in popularity. Research shows that 43% of people around the world have ad blockers installed on their computers, laptops, smartphones and other internet devices.

So, let’s take a look at how much blogging does impact SEO.

  • 71% of bloggers have reported that search engine optimisation, also known as SEO, is the most vital way to increase traffic to a business website.
  • As a business that has a dedicated blog section on your business website you will see 55% more traffic to your website. This is compared to a business without a dedicated blog on their website.
  • If you’re looking for backlinks to improve your website, then blogging will help there too. Research shows that businesses with blog posts gain 97% more backlinks than businesses without. If you’re not sure what backlinks are, generally speaking, the more backlinks a website page has, the higher it will rank on search engines like Google.
  • You may want to consider creating videos to go into your blog posts too. Even if the blog says what the video says, and vice versa, this can still help. Research shows that blogs that feature a video will receive three times the inbound links. This is when compared to those blog posts with just plain text and no video.
  • 68% of all online experiences will begin with a search engine. It’s important that what your target audience are searching on search engines will lead to your business and website. Keep this in mind when you are coming up with blog post titles, topics and ideas for your business.

Now you know how much blogging impacts SEO. Do you need help creating blog posts for your business that will positively impact your SEO? Speak to our experienced bloggers in Peterborough now.