As a small business you do not have an endless supply of time and money. You need to make sure that your time and money are being spent in the right way, doing the right things. For example, if you choose social media marketing as a way of promoting your business then how can you see if it is working for you?
There are lots of different things you can use to track your social media success, but firstly you need to know what social media success means to you.
Are you looking to have 500 followers on Twitter, or 1,000 people liking your Facebook page? This is easy to track, just keep a log of how many people follow or like your social media pages each month. However what is harder, but often more important is actually seeing how many ‘quality’ people like or follow your presence.
Would you like social media to increase the traffic to your website so you are including links so people can click through from your social media presence to your website. Thus, a growth in traffic from social media to your website is how you track your social media success.
If you are keen to really build your brand and relationships with your audience then you will want to make sure you are keeping an eye on your engagement rates. This is really easy to see on Facebook and you will often get notifications when your engagement has improved one week to the next.
You may choose to track your social media success by leads and conversions. This can be a really tricky thing to track. There are the reports of the 9 touches of marketing where it is claimed a person needs to see your brand 9 times before making a purchase. While 5 of those ‘touches’ may have been social media, the final touch may have been a networking event or a phone call, so you never really know how much social media affected that sale.
The Visual Objects 2019 Small Business Social Media Survey, surveyed 331 small businesses that use social media and they found that these businesses track their social media success in the following ways;
- 24% of small businesses using social media track their success in terms of engagement.
- 24% of small businesses using social media use leads or conversions as a way to track their success.
- 18% of social media using small businesses track their clicks to the website from social media as a way to track the success of social media.
- 16% of small businesses using social media track their success by tracking audience growth.
How do you track your social media success?