When you have blog posts on your website that discuss your industry, this will boost your SEO. The same can be said for blog posts about how you help a consumer with their pain points. On top of the SEO, these blog posts will help gain trust from your target audience. The SEO will bring people to the website. The trust and credibility are what could lead to sales. This is how blogs lead to purchases.

If your target audience trusts the information you share in your blog posts, they will believe that your offerings are better than those of your competition. The reader may also like your voice, style and tone more than that of the competition to. Your blogs lead to purchases because they show your audience you understand their pain points and what customers want to solve the pain.

We aren’t saying that your online marketing should be all blogging. You can still use video and social media for example. However, blogs will sell your businesses offerings in different ways to other media types. It’s a good idea to have a mix in your online marketing so you can appeal to all different types of audiences in different ways.

Videos, images and infographics are great for marketing your business online. However, they only give prospects a snippet of the product or service and how it works. Blog posts are able to go into more depth. This will also help your SEO to get your business found on search engines like Google. They can also link to your landing page to purchase the item, a page to book a meeting or contact details, for example. All these things will help blogs lead to purchases.

In your blog posts you can then embed videos and use images too. Snippets of the blog posts can be shared on social media. You can do videos about them too. These videos can then link to the blog post when the person watching the video can find out more.

Need help coming up with blog post ideas for your business? Maybe you’d like to outsource your blogging? We can help with both of these things. Call us now to find out more.