Here at Creative Content Company we are massive believers in the process of getting your social media scheduled. While there are many social media scheduling tools out there, we use (and love) Hootsuite.

If you’d like to know more about Hootsuite or be shown how to use Hootsuite then why not book in with us for a 1 hour Hootsuite Training Session. It’s just £75 and you’ll be shown how to use it and how to view scheduled posts. We will also show you how the reports work and you’ll leave with your next few social media posts scheduled too.

Then you’ll be ready for these following social media post ideas, to get your social media scheduled for 2019.

  • Think about discounts or promotions that you can share on social media, and can only be claimed if they are a follower of your social media page.
  • Share previous and new testimonials from existing and past clients. This shows your audience what you do, how you do it and who you do it for.
  • Run contests or competitions through your social media presence, this could be for a discount or free product / service from your business.
  • Share an interesting or relevant industry article written by someone in your industry, but not by a competitor.
  • Post fun facts about the day, your business, or your product / service. Alternatively just share a fun fact that you found really interesting.
  • Don’t forget to take the time to thank your fans and followers; they’ll appreciate it! This could be simple thanks, a free download or money off.
  • Ask your audience a question; something like what they are up to this weekend, or what do they love about your service
  • Publicly share a question you are asked frequently by your target audience, and answer it. It’s likely other people have the same question too.
  • Share breaking news that is of interest to your target audience or relevant to your industry.
  • Recommend a tool or application that you find useful in your business and explain why your audience might find it useful too.
  • Share an inspirational or motivational quote with your audience; but try and limit how many you share or it can become tiresome.
  • Post a behind-the-scenes photo if you’re up to something exciting.
  • Do a poll to ask your target audiences opinion on something that is industry related and interesting to you and others.
  • Share tips and tricks that you think your target audience will find useful. The more useful, the more they will be shared among their friends.

These are just some ideas of things you can share, of course there are many, many more. These should get your creativity started and get those juices flowing to get your social media scheduled.