Not sure if you need to outsource your blog writing? Maybe you have seen us share the benefits of blog outsourcing and wonder if it would work for you? In this blog post we share five signs that you need to outsource your blog writing. If you find yourself nodding to one or more of these signs – then call our blogging team and outsource your blog writing to us.

  • Your Blogs Aren’t Generating Results

Are your blog posts attracting more traffic to your website? Can you see leads, sales and new clients from your blog posts? Are you getting lots of readers of your blog posts? If you have found that your blog posts aren’t generating real, tangible results then it may be time to consider outsourcing your blogging.

  • You’re Not A Content Writer

If you’re not a content writer yourself then chances are you have a lot more things you could be doing in your business. By outsourcing your content writing you can free up your time to work on other areas of your business. As content writers in Peterborough, we have the skills and knowledge you need to get high quality, SEO friendly and engaging blog posts for your business.

  • You Don’t Have An In-House Blogger

Do you have an in-house writer to create all the blog posts for your business? If not, how can you make sure you are on the pulse of the latest news in your industry. By outsourcing to a content writer, you can ensure you have blogs that are up to date and relevant. If you do have someone in-house creating content for your website, check their skills aren’t more useful elsewhere in your business and if you could save money by outsourcing the blogging.

  • You’ve Not Blogged For A While

When you look at your blog post do you see that you haven’t uploaded a new blog post for a while? Maybe there are no new blog posts for a couple of months, last year or even pre-covid? This can make your business look outdated. It won’t benefit your SEO either. If you have a blog that you don’t use, then it may be worth outsourcing your blogging needs to ensure your website regularly updated.

  • You Don’t Have A Blog

There are so many benefits of blogging for business. We have shared lots of these benefits in previous blog posts. If you don’t have a business blog, you could be missing out on these benefits. By having a blog on your website, you can boost visitors to your website and increased your SEO. You will also have great content to share on social media, in newsletters and on flyers. Having a blog on your website won’t mean any extra stress or work for you. Our content writers can create the blogs for you and upload them too.

Contact our content writers and bloggers now to find out more.