By the time you read this blog post, you will have read Website Content Ideas For Your Business and More Website Content Ideas For Your Business. Not only will you have read them but hopefully you have taken notes and completed actions on those blog posts.

Content is really important for a website and the more high quality website content the better, but, as we have said before, it can be tricky coming up with new website content ideas instead of the usual Home Page, About Us Page, Services or Product Page and a Contact Us Page.

That’s why we have created blocks of website content ideas for you, to help you get more content on your website. So grab your notepad and pen and let’s get started on this block of website content ideas for your business;

  • Have a look for content written by industry leaders and experts and then create an article with a brief overview of their article and then your views and opinions of their article. This the adds personality to your business and your website content.
  • Dependant on how much feedback and how many review you get, do a monthly round up blog of the positive feedback from that month from your website and other websites your product or service is sold through. You may even have feedback on social media sites.
  • Look out for popular industry surveys and reveal the results of this, explaining what it means to the industry, your business and your customers.
  • Talk about products and services that can be used alongside your product or service, include reviews and testimonials of that add-on product or service to back up the trustworthiness.
  • It’s a brave thing to do, but if you have had bad feedback on a product or service that can be explained then go for it. Create an article listing the complaint and then explain the reason for this / how you overcame this.
  • Share statistics, graphs and charts of industry trends and add on content explaining what this means for your customer and the industry.

Hopefully you have found all three blog posts of interest and useful, however if you are still struggling to see how your business can use their website content ideas then feel free to give our team a call – we are always happy to help you achieve more.